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Rabu, 11 November 2020

A new day again

 Today, I get to experience several things that I ever did but just drowned in the daily routines. And today, I've come to realize that I want to do a lot of things I really wanted to.

So, I am kinda being placed in a place where I should study biology. So, it is natural that I want to do something in relation to writing journal, doing assesment, making paper, or just having some field watching (being in the lab is a bit boring i guess?). So, it was my goal that i want to learn how to write journal just right. 

When we talk about writing journal, a scientific one, we must think that it is somehow gonna be consumed internationally. So, the first think we must consider is about how we can communicate our journal content best in English. It includes effectivity and efficiency. In my campus, we barely learn about it. So, we just do things like reading a journal and do-citation-thing. We don't get the chance until.. well, maybe until we got to finish our thesis or something. Does it suck? Yes, i guess... So, I really want to utilize my ability so that I can write the journal best. It comes to my mind at some frequency because i believe that it is important and writing English for different niche is just somewhat different than your everyday consumed English. And of course, writing needs more skills that reading (i guess?), hehe..

Apart from language, we need to get to know the technical things. There is a structure of journal and about what you should fill or not. There is also several rules that maybe different in each publisher such as the spelling or the citational style. How you do a graph or how you do a table and similar things are important too. So these all everything apart for using a communicative language. It's about serving your data and your journal for a publishment.

So, what do i want to do now? I want to learn about it properly and start from the basics. Because, if I should write a journal then I should do it well for my self and for my readers. Cheers! :)

Selasa, 10 November 2020

A Turnover

 Today is a very special day in my life. In accordance with a feast that Lord God let me to hold on this day for myself, He gives me a really good thing today. 

For many times in my life, I've been reflecting many things. Life is flowing, so things are happening. I reflected on things happening in my life and wondered about what to choose and what to do.

Today, Lord God let me to choose one thing after He let me to know about what life really is. Life is about happiness. Its about happiness in serving him and to live at its fullest.

Life is not all about doing exhaustive list of responsibilities or to suffer everyday. Life is about how to be happy and to endure things even at our worst. Ife we are sad even at the best condition, so what's the point?

Today, I made a choice to make a turnover, to turn my life into a happy and fulfilling life in Him. That I maybe live fully and not just a bunch of daily episodes. No nee to be over-pressured or to worry over unnecessary things. Life is about you being fully you at the best and to be present in God's grace.

On side note, today I discover one of my friend left the campus. I don't know why but I believe that he has his own reasons. Here, I could only cheer on him and pray for his best.

I don't really think that all choices I made in my life are wise. But, I believe that the Lord God is directing my life into something I never know... Something that is really good even though I've never even dreamt once. Surely, aamiin.

May God bless your days.

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