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Senin, 15 Februari 2021

Islamic Prayer for The Just Ruler

Islamic Prayer for The Just Ruler

Oh Allah our dear Lord and God

In the name of our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w

And by Your remembrance of Your servants king David and king Solomon

Please give us, o Lord, trusty, just, and truthful leaders to us

Let Your works to be done through them o Lord

And because it's only You who can ressurect them among us

In the name of our prophet Muhammad s.a.w

And by Your remembrance of Your servants king David and king Solomon,

We pray to You and ask for Your Mercy.



You can pray this if you would like to so that our Lord and God will grant our petition wherever we might live and ressurect His servant leaders among us to do His works faithfully. 

Whatever our prayer is, just pray it with sincere heart to our Lord and God and He will listen to us and grant our prayer. Aamiin.

God bless us everyone :)

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